What Software Do Bookies Use?

What Software Do Bookies Use?

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Being a bookie sounds easy. But those who are unaware of the workload of a bookie underestimate the work needed to ensure that a sportsbook runs perfectly. This is why when people start learning how to be a bookie, you will often see them in a gambling solutions forum or on social media. And they will be asking about how bookies manage their sportsbooks. Today, we will give the answer to the most asked question we see: What Software Do Bookies Use?

There are a lot of gambling software products available today. Some of them are more expensive, and some will require more technical know-how. Today, we will be talking about the most-used software, called a sportsbook pay per head software. Find out what a pay per head software is, and how it can help you have a long-term successful online sports betting business.

What Do You Need to Create a Sportsbook?

What Software Do Bookies Use?Most bookies use a pay per head software for two reasons. One, its affordable. It’s the cheapest option in the market, unless you want to spend thousands of dollars on a software that has the same functionality. Two, is the practicality. It is a turnkey solution where you just sign up, customize the software, and start adding players. You do not need to take a course to learn to code or anything. Its as easy as setting up an email account.

The fees are very minimal, as stated above. Some of the best providers in the industry offer their software for around $5 per player. This means that the cost of operating your sportsbook will depend on how many players you have. Multiply that by your pay per head fee, and that is your weekly expense of running your sportsbook.


What Software Do Bookies Use?

Using pay per head software for sports betting also allows you to offer more products. You can offer online casino gaming, horse racing, and more. This gives you more opportunity to increase your revenue.

Even better, the software comes with features that will help you with analytics. You can check for the health of your online sportsbook easily. Check your handle, hold percentage and revenue easily. You can also generate data per sport, or look at player activity. If you are using a good software, you may even have risk management tools to help you.

The software helps make your business more efficient as well. Since all of the wagers are electronically processed and recorded, accuracy is guaranteed. When you need to release winnings, you do not need to compute. Simply log in and check each players’ balance, and you have the amounts required.

How to Use a Pay Per Head Software?

What Software Do Bookies Use?All you need to do is look for a pay per head software whose rates are agreeable to your budget. Find one that offers you the biggest bang-for-your-buck and sign up. Once you are logged in, you can look at the features of the software. But normally, all you need to do is to add players. You will do this by creating their accounts and setting their limits and product access. Then, you will give your players their log in details.

At this point, your sportsbook is already live. You can now start checking for activity on your sportsbook. If necessary, you will adjust the betting lines. But otherwise, you monitor them, and wait for any request that players will have.

You do not need to be an expert to become a bookie. All you need is a good foundation in sports betting. Of course, a really good sportsbook pay per head provider, and players to get stared.


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