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Australian Gambling Industry Undecided on Betting Ad Ban on Jerseys

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After taking action, several of the largest sports teams in the world have sparked debate within Australia's gambling sector about whether or not sponsorship of match-day shirts should be prohibited or strictly controlled.

There are businesses who would be on board with a complete prohibition on jersey sponsorships if only it were enforced. Some sponsors have already pulled out, citing community concerns, while others are holding firm because they think the entire industry is being penalized for competitors' saturation of Australian television with advertisements.

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Too much advertisement can be detrimental to the industry as well. Remember California? Parties involved put out massive ad campaigns to legalize betting, and it backfired, turning people off from voting in the last ballot.

Aside from running my own online sportsbook, I do enjoy traveling since my bookie pay per head solutions is helping me get my work done easily.

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Smaller sportsbooks will benefit from this because it evens out the market more. Not all sportsbooks have the budget to display their brand as much as they would want to.

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There's still an ongoing debate on a blanket ad ban in Australia. In addition, there are calls for stricter age verification. 

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