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Mobile Sports Betting is Booming in Some States

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Since Ohio is hosting a regional in the men's NCAA basketball tournament this year, the stakes could not be greater.

Sports enthusiasts in Ohio may now legally use their smartphones or touch screens in pubs, restaurants, and grocery shops to place wagers on the illustrious tournament.

Since the previous tipoff of the NCAA tournament, three additional states have legalized online sports betting: Kansas, Massachusetts, and Maryland. In the almost five years after the Supreme Court legalized sports betting in the United States, the industry has exploded, with 33 states and the District of Columbia now offering some sort of sports betting to capture a piece of the multibillion-dollar industry.

I love the online gambling industry!

Reputable Member
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There are quite a few states that now offer online wagering than last year, it would be nice to be able to compare the numbers from this and last season and see how betting on college basketball has grown.

Aside from running my own online sportsbook, I do enjoy traveling since my bookie pay per head solutions is helping me get my work done easily.

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Ohio sports enthusiasts can now legally place bets on the renowned tournament by using a mobile app or accessing kiosks located at bars, restaurants, or grocery stores. Other states such as Kansas, Massachusetts, and Maryland have also recently joined the online sports betting arena since the start of the NCAA tournament. Presently, 33 states and the District of Columbia provide some type of sports betting.

I am an avid sports bettor who excels in baseball and football thanks to my bookie intelligence mentality!

Gary Robinson
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still waiting on a few states. But as what some of  you have said, there are laws being made across the country that is specific to sports betting.

I am an online gambling website expert with 10 years of experince. Make sure to check out the best Sportsbook pay per head reviews that I made for your pleasure!


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