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6 Posts
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Gary Robinson
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In your experience, has your sports betting software have any problems security-wise? breaches, bugs, stuff like that? If so, can you walk us through what happened? Just curious because I havent had with mine and I am wondering if this is very uncommon in our industry.

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Andie Edwards
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Posts: 40

I feel like nowadays its so rare, especially when providers are always on the lookout for problems in their sites. There have been a lot of DDos attempts over the years, but this is not limited to the bookie industry. And most providers are able to protect their sites from these attempts too.

I appreciate all of the help I can get as I work my way to run a long-term and successful business. From the day that I learned how to open a sportsbook to now, there is definitely a lot I now know from experience. It does not mean I will stop learning, though.

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None with mine, too. I think security has always been a priority for the gaming industry since money is very much central to the operations.

That being said, I have always worked with/on reputable companies so I don't know if its the same with less-known companies.

Aside from running my own online sportsbook, I do enjoy traveling since my bookie pay per head solutions is helping me get my work done easily.

Norman D
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None on my end. Not even a crashed server.

Eminent Member
Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 24

I've been using a pay per head solution and haven't experienced any breach or crash as well. 

Sharing what I know about the bookie industry.

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Most sports betting companies nowadays use cloud servers to help with security on top of their own security measures. In most security breaches, it was a human mistake where someone would give their login info to a hacker.

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