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Croatia to Build a ...
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Croatia to Build a Gambling Industry Center

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On Wednesday, local officials in Novska, eastern Croatia, said that a gaming industry center worth an estimated 60 million euros ($65 million) will be constructed with assistance from the European Union's Just Transition Fund.

In a news release, the coordinator—a public project consultancy—announced that the municipality of Novska, the county's development agency SIMORA, and the Regional Coordinator of the Sisak-Moslavina county will be working together to implement the project.

I love the online gambling industry!

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They are most likely to get than money back in less than a year of operations, so its definitely a good move for everyone involved.

Aside from running my own online sportsbook, I do enjoy traveling since my bookie pay per head solutions is helping me get my work done easily.

Gary Robinson
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When it comes to retail gambling, complexes/integrated resorts really seem to be the way to guarantee success. And Croatia is such a culturally interesting country, and gamblers and tourists will definitely be visiting more once this is built.

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